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Tony's Iron Man Suit Rice Krispie Treats

Updated: Dec 11, 2019

This week I can finally say I have reached Iron Man, and boy I could not be more excited. As I mentioned in my first post, Iron Man just happens to be my favorite character. In Iron Man we meet everyone's favorite ~and oh so humble~ billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist. Tony Stark begins his journey to become Iron Man when he is kidnapped overseas. When forced into a corner, rather than meeting terrorist demands and creating a devastatingly dangerous weapon, Stark build his very first Iron Man suit, taking out the terrorists and escaping back to America. Viewers watch as Tony continues developing new Iron Man suits and begins fighting crime and terrorism.

Now Tony may prefer a glass of scotch over everything else, but I for one like something a bit sweeter. So this little treat recipe is the perfect way to honor my favorite hero in a delicious way.

Tony's Iron Man Suit Rice Krispie Treats:


1 1/2 sticks of butter

2 (10 oz) bags of mini marshmallows, halved

3/4 tsp of Vanilla extract

1/2 tsp of salt

8 1/2 cups of Rice Krispie Cereal

Dip ingredients

2 Tbsp of shortening

1/2 tsp of Vanilla Extract

Red food coloring

Yellow food coloring

1 bag of blue Sixlets or M&Ms


Rice Krispie treats

1. Line a 9 x 13-in pan with aluminum foil. Then use softened butter to grease the pan. Put aside 2 cups of your marshmallows.

2. Carefully monitoring the color melt the butter in a medium or large pan over medium heat. Keep the butter cooking evenly but stirring the pan occasionally.

3. Let the butter cook until it is a buttery brown color, make sure not to let it burn, let it cook until you smell hearty brown butter aroma.

4. Then add the rest of the marshmallows, salt, red food coloring and vanilla extract.

5. Put the mixture back on at a medium heat. Continue cooking until the marshmallows are completely melted. While cooking continuously stir the mixture to ensure a smooth, evenly combined consistency.

6. Take the pan off the heat and add all the cereal. With a nonstick spatula or spoon mix together thoroughly.

7. Add the two cups of marshmallows you previously set aside. Stir into the mixture until they are gooey, yet only partially melted. You want softened, but to preserve the gooey chunks of marshmallow in the mix. At this point be careful not to over stir in order to preserve the gooey pieces of marshmallow.

8. Now this is where you're going to get a bit messy... transfer the marshmallow mixture to your prepared greased pan. Now, with either butter greased or damp hands carefully press the mixture onto the pan. Press until you have an even layer across the pan.

9. Let the pan cool at room temperature for at least 1 hour.

White chocolate dip

Once your Rice Krispies have completely cooled and been cut into rectangles, it is time to begin the white chocolate dip.

1. Microwave your white chocolate candy along with the shortening, and vanilla extract. Heat the mixture in 30 second intervals stirring it after each interval to make sure it is heating evenly. **I suggest turning your microwave heat power to medium to make sure the chocolate does not become hot too fast and burn.

2. Once your mixture is halfway melted add your yellow food coloring to the bowl (about 5 drops). Now, continue to microwave, again in 30 second intervals. Rotate the bowl taking turns stirring and heating. During this time take the opportunity to continue adding food dye to achieve the coloring you want.

4. Once your mixture is completely melted and evenly colored it should be completely smooth, make sure to double check for any remaining chunks of white chocolate.

5. Next, you're going to want to begin applying the chocolate dip to the Rice Krispie Treats. Remember, we just want a thin layer, as to not overload on sweetness.

6. Taking a knife or small spatula create a line of the yellow chocolate (about two fingers tall) into upper center of the rectangle. (Imagine it as a chest for an accurate idea of where you want to put your dollop of yellow.

7. Finally, press in one blue Sixlet into the center of the yellow.

8. Let chill in a refrigerator for at least 1 hour

And just like that we're done! I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe, keep your eyes out for next week, where we get to see Mr. Stark once again for Iron Man 2.

- Excelsior

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