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Captain America's Super Soldier Smoothie Bowls

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

Today, we dive into our Marvel Cinematic culinary adventure by starting with America's favorite super soldier, Steve Rogers. In Captain America: The First Avenger, we see Rogers’ transformation into the super soldier we all know and love, thanks to the effects of a “super soldier serum.” Sadly, getting our hands on a real-life super soldier serum is quite impossible, but I’ve come up with the next best thing: Super food smoothie bowls! This recipe is loaded with fruits and veggies that will support your health and have you feeling ready to take on whatever daily challenges you face, whether you are battling a long day of work or going toe to toe with Red Skull.

What you will need for this recipe

Here are all of the ingredients you will need

For smoothie:

1 cup of Frozen Strawberries

½ cup of Frozen açai berry mixture

½ Avocado

½ of a Banana

1 cup of kale

½ of a small ginger root

1 teaspoon raw honey

1 cup of Coconut Water

For top:

½ cup of Raspberries

¼ cup blueberries

6 strawberries

½ of a banana

½ cup of your favorite granola

1 teaspoon of coconut flakes

Instructions for Smoothie:

Step 1: The first step is blending the smoothie together. In order to blend the ingredients all, the way through we’re going to break it up into sections. First blend the frozen fruit with coconut water, meaning you will first blend the strawberries and açai berries

Step 2: Then, once that is well blended you will go back and add the avocado and Kale.

Step 3: Finally, once this is thoroughly blended you can finish by adding in the raw honey, banana, and ginger. Make sure to really make sure the ginger in blended throughout the entire smoothie. Since we are using ginger root, you want to make sure you don't have chunks of ginger.

* In order to change smoothie density work with the coconut water. For a denser mixture follow this recipe's guidelines. For a more liquified mixture add more coconut water to your preference.

** While you prepare the ingredients to put on top, put the smoothie bowl mix into a freezer.

For the top of the bowl:

* Now I love to add a bit of fun into the mix, and I think aesthetically pleasing smoothie bowls are the best so we’re going to be making the top into the shape of Captain America’s shield.

Step 1: First add a thin layer of granola to the top, make sure it is broken apart and spread evenly over the top to avoid any chunks of granola. On top add a tiny bit of your honey.

Step 1

Step 2: In the center you are going to line your blueberries into a star. Add your coconut flakes into the center of the star and continue to add blueberries to the outside until you have a circle.

Step 2

Step 3: Around the blue circle in the center of your bowl, add a new circle of Raspberries

Step 4: Follow with the banana making a white circle.

Step 5: Finally, you will be adding one more layer of raspberries around the previous layer, which upon finishing will look like Cap’s shield.

Final product

What makes these foods so super?

Each ingredient put into this recipe promotes good health and tastes amazing. But if you are curious about each of these foods, or want to learn more about super foods in general, you can do so here.

This is the perfect way to start your morning off well, or even serve as a great thing to munch on while watching your favorite Marvel movie. Keep an eye out for next Monday's recipe as well, well be continuing with Captain Marvel!


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